
Give an hour.  Give a Saturday.  Give your best.  We all have special talents.  Things we can do to help.  And when you reach out a hand to one, you influence the condition of all.  This section offers tools and resources for volunteer engagement in our community.  Whether you have a long-established volunteer relationship, or are just starting volunteer engagement, approach volunteerism in an entirely different way. 


BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS is a great way to make a difference in a child's life.  If you are interested in mentoring or giving your time to make a difference to a child in Haywood Countycontact Sara Rolfsen-Kohn at 321-543-0359 to match you with that special child or teen. 


The Volunteer Center, through its coordinator, John Chicoine, can help you find the right fit in the community to share your special talents.  There are over 60 agencies with many opportunities for volunteering.  All you have to do is call -- 828-356-2833.


Guardian Ad Litem Program of the 30th Judicial District -- The Guardian Ad Litem (GAL) program serves the counties of Western North Carolina.  It consists of hard-working, dedicated individuals who want to make a difference in a child's life.  Program staff members work with volunteers from the community to help children find loving, permanent homes.  As a part of this process, Guardian Ad Litem program supervisors and volunteers attend court, visit children and their families, work with the Department of Social Services and community organizations and develop recommendations regarding the child's best interests.  For more information regarding the program, please visit GAL.